Datacenters Overview

Datacenters house mainly servers and contribute to the 24/7 delivery of web services by ensuring that the systems in which these services are launched are continuously powered and functioning properly. Today, electrical energy is used both to keep these systems on and to ensure their proper ventilation.

The functioning of a datacenter could be understood from the characteristic structures constituting it. These structures include uninterruptible power supplies, panels, racks and power distribution units (PDU). The various structures within a datacenter do not only allow a better organization within it but also provide a hierarchal pathway down which electrical energy can be distributed to the different systems being harbored in the datacenter. Each structure and system is thus part of route through which energy flows.

Another vital system found in a datacenter whose powering may/may not come from these structures is the ventilation system.  The importance of this system is such that the arrangement of these structures and all other systems are made around/according to the ventilation system. For instance, racks and the systems within them follow a particular pattern of arrangement in order for them to be properly ventilated. Though the ventilation system might not be seen as one enters the datacenter (it may be set up under tiles), its presence is made obvious by the added cool air and noise it produces.