Sojourn Journal
First days
I arrived in Los Angeles, California on Friday, two days before the start of my program. Unfortunately, due to the flight delays, I could not move into my appartment upon arrival, for the housing offices were closed and the weekend was at hand. I moved into a hotel for two days. During these two days, I mostly visted the various streets that surrounded the hotel I was logging in. The most exciting were the restaurants I visited. Though they were mostly latinos, I also came across some others. I met with various people in the regions I lived. Most of them spoke primarily ... More>>
General routine
Public transportation in LA was about $1.25. However, I seldom made use of this. Transportation to Marina Del Ray, where my research actually took place was by the University of Southern California transportation services. A shuttle was available at no cost each morning and each afternoon to help me move to and from Marina Del Ray. This was a daily routine where I left my apartment sometimes as early as 8:00 in the morning and was back no earlier than 5:30 in the evening. Marina Del Ray was quite far, but the free shuttle was helpful in swallowing the cost of any other transportation means. More>>
Week ends were the only days I did not go to work. I sometimes did some work from home, but also got involved into other adventures. I used these days to know Los Angeles neighborhoods and other street. I took walks to explore different parts of the city, meeting different people, and visiting different restaurants. My last week end in LA, I took a trip to San Diego, a neighboring city. I visited some parks in San Diego and was accompanied by a friend who was spending... More>>