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Week 3

June 12 - June 18

The beginning of this week, I spent working tutorials in Unreal. Before doing this, I discovered that my laptop isn't really equipted for this kind of work, so I spent some time installing all of the programs on a laptop I am borrowing from the school. Apart from learning UnrealEd, time has been spent working on the quests we came up with. We are all putting them into more detail so we can deside which ones to implement for testing. Monday, we will have a meeting and discuss this further. Until then, I'll be spending some time researching questions for the testing.

One of the things on this project that has been more difficult for me is thinking like a gamer. I am not a gamer, so it has been more challenging to create ideas dealing with something I am unfamiliar with. However, one of the goals of the project is to make Stormhaven a game that is both fun and helpful to introductory programmers. This week, it was pointed out to me that, much like myself, not all people playing the game will have experience in gaming. I never thought that the opinion of a non-gamer would really matter when making a game, but it is important to make the game and introductory programming both fun and educational for all those who play. Although it may be harder for me to learn gaming or think like a gamer, I can look at the game through a different perspective than some of the others working on the project.

Last modified 16 June 2006 at 2:31 pm by Paige Matthews