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Week 8

July 17 - July 23

This week, I got more of a chance to work with preparations for the study than in previous weeks. At the beginning of the week, I used the example questions I found to come up with an example test for our study. The example test ended up having about eight questions on it. When the Hallym group got back from Washington D.C., I got the others working on the project to test it. It took them each around five minutes to take the test, which was good since I was worried about the time it would take to complete the test. After they completed the test, I got their feedback in general about it. For the most part, it was well recieved. I only had to make a few changes to the format and wording of the questions. Later, I worked on making two, similar but different versions of the test. One will be the pretest, and one will be the posttest.

I actually enjoyed making the pre- and post- tests. It was difficult making a test that would test a variety of programming concepts while fitting in a time limit of 5 minutes. However, I was able to cut down the time it took to complete the test by changing the format.


Last modified 28 July 2006 at 3:16 pm by Paige Matthews