Journal Entries

Week 3: 6/15-6/19

Journal 3:


Is it week 3 already?! It doesn't feel like it. It feels like I've only been here a couple of days. I feel like this week has been an interesting one. My weekend was, for the most part, relaxing. I clean my room, read a book, and slept.... a lot. On Sunday at 6:30am, there was a fire alarm at my apartment complex and everyone had to run outside. Once outside, though, it began to sprinkle (we didn't think much of it at first) and then it began to rain on us. We all took shelter, but we were all wet. Other than that, I went to Girl Scout Camp, tried Buckees, and that's all I can think of so far. Oh and over the weekend, I had managed to write a couple of pages for a story I'm working on. This is a big deal for me because I rarely work on any of my stories. I feel awful about it, because I do want to work on them, but I 1. Procrastinate and 2. Get really busy.

This Friday was the first Friday that I had off since I started (as in I went to work during the day, but I didn't have to go to any Girl Scout activities in the evening). To celebrate my first Friday off, my friends and I walked to Red Lobster (so much yummyness) which is about a mile or two away from the apartments we live at.

What I've learned this week:

1. Fire alarms + Standing out in Rain = Little Sleep

2. Cicades exist in Texas

3. It can rain in Texas, to the point we get Flood warnings and Tornado watches

4. I am still not tired of Chipotle.

5. Buckees why you no exist anywhere else!!!!!!

6. Red Lobster is yummy no matter where you are.

7. No groceries gives you an excuse to go to Starbucks for breakfast.


We left Sunday to spend the night at a Girl Scouts' camp, where on Monday, we were going to show Kidgab to some of the scouts. The whole experience was interesting. Unfortunately, we were only able to get a small amount of the girls onto Kidgab and they won't be able to get on until Friday, when camp ends.

Besides that, I have been making more quizzes, editing the Adventure Stories I have made, and checking up on some video game ideas.
