Journal Entries

Week 2: 6/8-6/12

Journal 2:

Howddeeeeeeeyyy: I have been pronouncing Howdy like that lately. Maybe it's the heat? My week has been good so far. On Monday, I went to go work out and then went to the pool with friends. Tuesday and Wednesday, played League of Legends with some friends again. I went to a meeting for students of color (free food!) and a brown bag meeting thing (my mentor showed up! Did I mention she is awesome!) I also went to get appetizers (free) and drinks (I had to pay for my own), with the department I am in to: 1. Say good by to the Belgian students (I will miss your waffles), 2. Say Happy Birthday to one of the members of the lab (she's so nice!), and 3. Say welcome to us (DREU) and four students from Mexico (CANIETI).

What I learned:

1. I need to work on my Spanish (looks down in shame)

2. I still get Spanish and Chinese confused (Don't laugh at me! It makes complete sense! Try saying 'I' in both languages. In Spanish, 'I' is 'Yo' and Chinese it's 'Wo').

3. League of Legends is addicting

4. Your friends will laugh at you if they found out that you're addicted to League of Legends

5. Sleep is VERY IMPORTANT!!!!!!!

6. Beds are hard.

7. Smores fraps from Starbucks = Love

8. Sun is evil

9. This is a long list.

10. Cooking rice without rice cooker = explosion.

11. My body still wants to say 'Hella' (I AM A BORN AND RAISED SOCAL! NO NORCAL! HELLA YOU MUST LEAVE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


Made two adventure stories, read articles, work on this website, went to a slumber party camp thing (which was fun, there was a lot of girls interested in the website and some even logged on afterwards). Also, on Tuesday, I went to a meeting to discuss what I had done this week so far and what I plan to do. We also begain installing WampServer onto our laptops.