Hitaxi Kalaria's DREU 2010 webpage

Week9: Aug 9 - Aug 15

One more week to go. Can't believe that my stay here at Emory is almost coming to an end. This week was running more experiments on the code and analyzing the results. I ran several experiments by changing the privacy budget parameter that defines the differential privacy that the code achieves. I also modified the number of random queries the code generates to test the count queries. Besides that I also modified the parameters that are used as threshold condition to obtain partitions based on kd-tree partitioning strategy. For all the experiments I ran, I collected data and generated graphs using MATLAB to analyze the results.

This weekend I spent packing and gathering my stuff as the entire next week I will be working on my final report. I did explore a new restaurant this weekend. The place is a pizza place called Mellow Mushroom and really loved the pizza... so delicious!