Hitaxi Kalaria's DREU 2010 webpage

Week3: Jun 28 - Jul 04

This week, I had to give a 15 min talk on a paper I have been reading so far at the Database and Informatics Research Group meeting. Prof. Li shared some links on how to read a research paper & give a presentation to help me with my talk. I have given a talk before, but the whole idea of presenting to an audience still makes me feel nervous. I chose to present a HIDE paper, which explains the project framework in details. The talk went alright and Prof. Li too said it was good.

I attended a HIDE demo which was given by James for some members from Center for Comprehensive Informatics at Emory. I also finally got HIDE installed correctly on my system with assistance from James. I played with the software and also tested it out on a sample test file.

For reading part, I started by reading a new paper on differential privacy by Cynthia Dwork. The paper took most of my time this week. At the meet with Prof. Li, she explained that it's alright if some papers take up time and that is actually how research works. Sometimes you get stuck on some problem and may not be able to accomplish much during the week but you should not be let down by that. You should just try harder to understand the problem. So, I have taken that advice and just going to keep working harder and enjoy my work.

I am still getting use to the hot Atlanta weather. Summer is being brutal! So, after two relaxing weekends I decided to explore some of the famous places and attractions in Atlanta. This week, I visited the Swaminarayan Mandir of Atlanta. The temple is beautiful and very calm and peaceful. Besides that I spent the rest of the weekend watching movies and getting ready for my 4th week.