Viv at the ArticuLab

week 5

tl;dr Planned demo functionality; reviewed team literature; called in sick :(


Since we have a huge demo coming up mid-July, we held quite a few meetings this week to start ironing out kinks and figuring out what (realistic) improvements to make to the system in time. I worked some more on the OMDb incorporation to make sure it'd run smoothly for the demo.

All of us InMind interns also met to discuss the rapport literature that we all read (and that Yoo Jin, Shruti, and I condensed into a lit review).

(Sadly, I wasn't feeling well mid-week, so I missed out on a couple ArticuLab workdays.)

Finally, Yoichi, Florian, and I discussed my post-demo plans for designing a new NLG module (which I'm super excited about!).


Watched a lot of movies and finished a lot of puzzles?