PHILLY:New In The City

6/15/2012: Sending My First Package

I sent my first package today. In this world of e-mail and online shopping, there hasn’t yet been a time when I’ve had to send a package to someone. However, here in Philly, opportunity arose. My friend’s birthday is today and so I sent him a book. He’s not exactly a connoisseur of literature or even an avid reader but racking my brain for a present, this book seemed like the only thing that made sense to give him.

The process was a lot easier than I thought although I was leafing through the depths of my purse for the book, the strip of paper that contained his address, a pen, and then my address (having lived here for a week I didn’t quite know my own address yet). The cashier seemed a little worried about all this scrimmaging but I packaged and paid.

In other news, my roomie is back for the weekend and I’m excited to spend the weekend doing things with her and the other girl roommate. Our boy decided to head home for the weekend.