Time to Get Physical
To get recaps of my weekly adventures during my summer with the DMP program, click
on the Journal entries links.
The week started out analyzing a research paper that a member of our research group
sent out. It detailed a motion capture system for home based rehabilitation, specifically
the tracking/capturing of the motion. However, it left identifying a motion,
pattern recognition, a subset of machine learning, as a future work. Therefore,
he did not covered what we were aiming to do: using machine learning to classify
I also had access to some machine learning code from previous week that I got from
Adam. With help from a professor, I got the unix based C++ code compiling in my
Windows environment. Whether it would correct was another story. Where is platform
independence when you need it.
The highlight of the week was Physical Therapist, PT, coming to campus and training
me in the exercises whose motions which were trying to identify as correct or incorrect.
I was the subject and the my training session was motion captured as well on video.
I just want to say that I would get myself back into shape. All those years I thought
I was doing certain exercises correct, the PT came and showed me that I wasn't.
Definitely, a helpful and heatlthy learning experience.