
Beauty is power; a smile is its sword.


**My Blog-- Week 8**

Week Eight!

It’s all coming to an end. I cannot believe it. The thought of leaving all those wonderful people and going home saddens me. I try not to think about it much but there is no ignoring it. It will all soon be over.. If you guys read this….. I will miss you all…
I am back with more on week eight so let’s get started.

      As I have been designing the application’s interface, a lot of Photoshop work is required. I have spent most of my day making labels and icons then manipulating them, loading them into NetBeans then running NetBeans. We want the interface to look as catchy as NetBeans will let us. After every few changes to the design, Jasamine added our code in and tested to make sure it works. She is having a little trouble with the code merge but nothing Jasamine cannot handle =)

         I will merge Tuesday and Wednesday both. I worked on the tabs of a panel in our design. I created more icons, changed colors, created and resized buttons then changed them again. Our tabs consisted of a music marker tab, a dance movements tab, a beats tab, a random tab, a math tab and a controls tab. Tabs are illustrated below.





         Thursday came around and most of my design was set and good to go for Jasamine to implement some our code. So now, Back to MAYA! I had to make more 3-D objects that will use in our stage environment. What are we missing? Speakers? Yeah? Good idea don’t you think? There is no dance stage without good sets of speakers! And BOOM! Your wish is my command! There are the speakers.
So, it’s a stage, a dance floor, don’t you think a disco ball is cool to have? Of course you do! Check below!


         Friiiiiiiday! Big daaaaaaaaay! Evie got a loader almost done and ready to load my 3-D objects into java. She has had a few problems with loading textures but hey! It is Evie! Master of all languages! She got it fixed! I think Evie should make a programming language of her own! I bet you it will top every other language out there! =p

So for Evie to be able to user her loader to load my objects I had to download a Collada Maya Installer, ((This Maya COLLADA plug-in supports importing and exporting Maya scenes according to the COLLADA format specifications)). So, your normal .ma or ms. file now needs to be exported to a .dae format so the loader can recognize it and load it with its textures in Java. WOW Evie! Impressive! She built it from scratch.. SCRATCH!! Amazing! By the end of the day she was able to load my camera model into Java with no problem =)


         Saturday was a good day! We all went to Cheesecake factory at South Park! We all dressed up nice and went out together in a group of 20 people. It was fun. We ate and had fun then went back home.


         Its Sunday, and Sundays are always my relaxing days so I will leave you here and relax and watch cartoons! Those next couple of weeks are going to be a little busy so I guess I will see you next week with more news as this summer experience is coming closer to its end….Until then……..Goodbye.











