
Beauty is power; a smile is its sword.


**My Blog-- Week 7**

Week Seven!

Hello again! Week Seven..It sure is coming close to end isn’t it?! It’s so sad.. I am becoming attached to all my friends here. I am really fortunate to have not only participated in such a rich and unique program this summer, but I have also met some of the greatest people that I am honored to consider being friends with! They are so much fun. Wish I can take them all home with me…
Ok enough with the dwelling! Back to work. The clock is ticking and we are trying to finish the project. Here are the main headlines of my week!

      I worked on the early design Integration on Monday. Mostly, my day was editing the components or creating them from scratch in Adobe Photoshop. My main concern is not only to make the best of what I can implement in NetBeans, but also I have to consider color, shapes, sizes and design. As simple as those concepts might seem to be, they aren’t. Users should be able to relate to the topic of the platform, therefore, the design has to be as close to their personality and experiences as possible (hopefully). Mainly, everything needs to be clear. C.L.E.A.R!

         I continued to work on the design Tuesday too. It is very time consuming. Thank god for Photoshop! I got most of the interface looking descent and ready to be scripted. Let’s go! LET’S GO!

         Wednesday on the other hand was a different flavor. I worked on Maya models all day. Having 3-D models to complete the look of the dancer’s environment is important! First, I looked up Maya tutorials. I got myself familiar with creating 3-D shapes, apply shades to them and rendering them in Maya. Objects I will create in Maya will be used in the dancer’s stage. So the whole day was spent on getting familiar with the program. As soon as I got familiar with the software I started working on my first model. We had seminar this week too. Speakers were Dr. Dahlberg and Dr. Barnes. The seminar was very interesting. After the seminar it was back to work time. I prepared for my powerpoint for the next day.

         Thursday was the day of all creativity. I played around more with Maya following tutorials and learning Maya’s technical aspects in 3-D modeling. Pretty impressive! And guess what! I created my first model. Not only that, I made another one in less than half the time it took to create the first. Thursday was also presentations day. YAY! Ok now. Click here to view the weekly presentation and here for the game review.


camera                  light

((you might think they look a little boxed up and all but hey now! i am learning. L.E.A.R.N.I.N.G!!))


         Friday I continued to work with Maya and switching between Maya and NetBeans working a little on modeling and a little on the design of the Dance Tool platform. After lunch I spent my time researching event timelines. We need to figure out how to make a timeline that records events and can be edited. Events need to be synced to music on a timeline that would allow you to view what events are taking place where. I can’t wait!!


Ok well, I guess this is the end of our week seven journey. I have to get back to more work. Did I mention I am having a TON of fun now?! LOL. Now you guys can unbuckle your seatbelts and enjoy some good times for my majesty will not be back till next Friday! ;)
**((Ok I was kidding about the “majesty” thing)) See ya! **











