[1] M. M. A. Devillers. Analyzing password strength. PhD thesis, Radboud University Nijmegen, 2010.
Access: http://www.cs.ru.nl/bachelorscripties/2010/Martin_Devillers___0437999___Analyzing_password_strength.pdf
This is a paper about what types of patterns, letters, and words are commonly used in passwords. It also tested those passwords for strength.
This is a great "easy" read for those interested in passwords.
[2] Matteo Dell'Amico, Pietro Michiardi , Yves Roudier, Password strength: an empirical analysis, Proceedings of the 29th conference on Information communications, p.983-991, March 14-19, 2010, San Diego, California, USA
Access: http://www.eurecom.fr/en/publication/2910/download/rs-publi-2910_1.pdf
This is a paper about how users try to make their passwords more unique, but still conform to certain patterns.
This is a good read after [1].
Access: http://www.cs.ru.nl/bachelorscripties/2010/Martin_Devillers___0437999___Analyzing_password_strength.pdf
This is a paper about what types of patterns, letters, and words are commonly used in passwords. It also tested those passwords for strength.
This is a great "easy" read for those interested in passwords.
[2] Matteo Dell'Amico, Pietro Michiardi , Yves Roudier, Password strength: an empirical analysis, Proceedings of the 29th conference on Information communications, p.983-991, March 14-19, 2010, San Diego, California, USA
Access: http://www.eurecom.fr/en/publication/2910/download/rs-publi-2910_1.pdf
This is a paper about how users try to make their passwords more unique, but still conform to certain patterns.
This is a good read after [1].