Week 2
During the second week my mentor was gone on family business, so I spent the first part of the week reading more about clouds and examining different providers on the internet. On Wednesday another DREU student, Sam Hopkins, for another professor at ISI, Ann Chervenak, arrived and I joined a discussion on a joint research project that both Ann and Ewa have going. This project examines an opposite end of their research then the cloud portion. That is, the workflow data management part. I decided that I would rather work on this project then continue on the cloud front and started to read some other papers on the subject. It's about changing how data is staged into the cloud/grid so that the workflow can run more efficiently. I'll also be working with Sam on this project, which should be fun. We have started combing through the Pegasus source code and determining what we need to change. We've also started the process of installing all the applications needed so that we can run and test our changed implementation.