– Gallery –


At The Lab – At the House – On the Town

Boston – Family of God – Art – My Family


– At the Lab –

Pictures of the people I worked with at the LASER lab in UMASS.


Me in my cubicle.

Anastasia in her cubicle.  She’s so excited to be running Red Hat Linux!

Yao in her cubicle.

Lunchtime in the hot, hot sun!  This is Yao, Jamie, Rachel, and Anastasia.

Cutting pies at the LASER lab picnic.  By the look on her face, I’m not sure if Lori approves of my pie-cutting technique!  Maybe Lee is trying to explain it to her, heehee.

With Anastasia and my mentor, Lori at the company picnic.


At The Lab – At the House – On the Town

Boston – Family of God – Art – My Family