– Gallery –


At The LabAt the HouseOn the Town

BostonFamily of GodArtMy Family


– Family –

Pictures of my wonderful family at home and when they came up here.

The whole gang!

Left to right, from top: me (19), Emily (17), Mom, Dad, Michelle (18), Jessica (14), Tyler (12), Carrie (13), Bonnie (11)

My family went to Florida last year to perform my mom’s children’s songs in front of 750 people.  We were like the Von Trapp family singers!

Carrie and I performing.

Bonnie performing

Mom, Emily, and Michelle make a great trio.

Michelle and me (she’s my best friend in the world)

My family has a great menagerie of pets!

A Coast Guard ship!

Seeing my best friend off.

Michelle’s ready to be called.

Michelle saying final goodbyes to the family.

One last group picture.

“Eyes in the boat!”


Tired sisters.

The Gartland alternative to fast food!

Tyler climbing the ropes at the Coast Guard Academy.

Jumpin’ on the bed in the hotel!


At The LabAt the HouseOn the Town

BostonFamily of GodArtMy Family