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At The LabAt the HouseOn the Town

BostonFamily of GodArtMy Family


– Boston –

Pictures from the trips Anastasia and I took to Boston: for the 4th of July and a Lord of the Rings exhibit.

Anastasia and me sunbathing in the Boston Commons

The Boston Commons.  Isn’t it pretty?

They had these insanely huge pieces of chalk in the Boston Commons.  It was really tough to write with it!

We ran into Benjamin Franklin and John Adams on their way to the pub.  They were riding in this strange horseless carriage.  I think they called it a…”car” ?

Harvard Law School:  Where the smart rich kids go.

The public gardens were simply amazing.  That’s a statue of George Washington.

The Computer Science Building at MIT.  I think it looks like the architect was inspired by a pile of paper cups and aluminum pans.

This is my reflection in the MIT Computer Science Building!

Here’s Anastasia on the town, before the firework display.

Here’s our boisterous tour guide by Paul Revere’s memorial.  She was always very expressive in her narration of history.

Paul Revere’s actual gravestone is a little less impressive.

From the peaks of buildings to the subway caverns, Lord of the Rings could be found everywhere!

Mmm calamari!  I love squid!  Notice the One Ring hanging around my neck.  Yup, I’m a hopeless case.

Alicia sure is enjoying her shrimp after living in Jewish housing and having to cook kosher.


At The LabAt the HouseOn the Town

BostonFamily of GodArtMy Family