– Gallery –


At The Lab – At the House – On the Town

Boston – Family of God – Art – My Family


– Family of God –

Pictures of the friends I made in church and Bible Study.

Here’s the Navigators Bible study I went to every Thursday night.  Left to right: Andy, Allie, Leon, me, Sarah, Claire, Beth, Stephanie, and Jeff.

Sarah and I had a lot of fun swimming at Puffers Pond!

This is Eowyn, Beth and Leon’s beautiful kitten.  She’s a Maine coon.

Andy at the control board at the bowling alley.  He had fun changing our team names frequently. We were the "Israelites" vs. the "Philistines", the "Pirates" vs. the "Burninators" (from Homestar Runner), the "Montagues" vs. the "Capulets" and so on... :-)


At The Lab – At the House – On the Town

Boston – Family of God – Art – My Family