Distributed Mentor Project: Mentoring Undergraduate Women in Computing Research Katherine Lau
Main Page Me and My Mentor Typical Week Research Project Weekly Journal Final Report Seattle
Week 7: July 23 - July 29 < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 >
SUCCESSES failures/setbacks FrUsTrAtIoNs
~ overview of design plan for a collaborative version of DynaCat that support remote, asynchronous collaboration among users and manages documents and other collections.
~ Friendster has already implemented the idea of connecting people through mutual friends, which is identical in concept to LitLinker, which finds research topics/areas that share mutual concepts. I guess I wasn't the only one with this idea. = ( ~ feeling overwhelmed again by the almost limitless possibilities for DynaCat.
Nothing exciting: I worked on ideas for a collaborative interface for DynaCat iMed Meeting #10: I presented my ideas for the DynaCat web application that supports collaboration. I discovered: Friendster implemented MY idea of connecting/introducing people; the open source blog site LiveJournal; and EyeBees allows users to surf the net together. I read a paper about COSPEX (COnceptual SPace EXplorer) and found the research website: http://www.itl.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cospex/wm/. I especially like the visual query editor. 6th DMP lunch with Tasha and Meliha. iMed Meeting #11: I started to think about path collection and usability measurements.

I have learned that it is fun to think idealistically about a project in the design phase, but it can also be too overwhelming when I want to deal with all aspects of the program at once.

I have decided to forgo participation in the SURP symposium. I'm a little disappointed that I will not be able to participate, but I'm sure I'll be enjoying nature on that day instead!

I finally met up with one of my good friends from Wellesley over the weekend. We caught up on each other's experiences here in Seattle, and shared about our goals for next year and beyond (grad school, job hunting, classes...).

My goals for the coming week:
~ Finish the specifications for the paths and queries for DynaCat.
~ Start studying for the GRE.
~ Get some advice about graduate schools and programs.
~ Find out about possible grad school funding: fellowships, research assistantships, etc.
~ Talk about next steps: paper or poster, possible research for next year.
~ Continue exploring Seattle (hopefully go hiking).
~ Visit the public library near my house.