I've been mainly reading this past week. I have enough information to present general interface design suggestions, and issues with collaboration. However, I have not read enough articles by Grudin and Twidale to discuss their collaborative interface ideas, so that is my goal for this week, so I can present more detailed suggestions next Wednesday.
The UW CS department presentation was brief. It truly was an overview of the department, the faculty, facilities and projects. Some interesting projects in the CS department include UrbanSim, which fellow DMP'ers Morgan and Tasha are working on, educational techology using tablet PCs, object recognition, and the animation of the wing beats of various birds in distinct flight paths. I'm interested in finding out more about research in educational technology, data management,
HCI, AI, and robotics. Maybe I'll contact some students and professors while I'm here during the summer to discover what is SOOO interesting in their fields of research, so I can understand a bit of the passion they have for Computer Science.
My goals for the coming week:
~ Enjoy Independence Day!
~ Finish reading the Twidale and Grudin articles that I already have and prepare a short presentation on those ideas for next Wednesday.
~ Apply what I am learning about interface design and the search methods of medical researchers and create a paper prototype of a collaborative interface.
~ Write some *useful* code...