During a typical week my iMed research group met twice to discuss our work. Once a week I joined my fellow DMP students (Morgan, Tasha, Arati, and Jocelyn) and some of our mentors (Wanda Pratt, A.J. Brush, and Linda Shapiro) and colleagues (Janet, Meliha, Jen, Vibha) for a picnic-lunch-discussion of our experiences as women in computer science. The schedule for the rest of the week was fairly flexible. Since the members of my iMed group volunteered to be part of A.J.’s “Today Messages” study, we emailed each other daily with a statement or two about our progress (or lack thereof).
I also had the opportunity to attend:
1. An overview of graduate programs in the Computer Science department at the University of Washington.
2. A talk about artificial intelligence and computer theory pioneer Alan M. Turing.
3. A talk on the clinical and application fields of bioinformatics.