Distributed Mentor Project

About Me


Course Work

Extracurricular Activities


Distributed Mentor Project

Weekly Journal





Fellow Researcher

Weekly Journal

Final Report

Living in Boston


Week 5

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

Week 10

Okay, I haven't been keeping up with the daily journal, so this is going to become just a weekly summary. Over the weekend I managed to resize my partition and install Red Hat 9. Then, Stephen helped me compile my own kernel and install the necessary drivers to run the camera. We tried doing some testing, but had a really hard time finding places that would let us set up and test. We want to get a good sampling of people, not just all of the graduate students here in the lab, so we'd like to set up in a public place, but anti-solicitation laws are a bitch. We can set up the equipment, but we're not allowed to ask people to take the test. Finally, we reserved a spot in the George Sherman Union for next week, so we can set up there and hopefully get some testers.