Today I mainly spent working on my webpage. I haven't done web development since high school, so I'm trying to get back into it. I was originally going to just make a crappy webpage, but I got to looking at the other DMP participants' pages and felt inadequate, so I am spending quite a bit more time than I intended designing the page. It's okay though, because I don't have a clear idea of what else I should be doing. I'm learning how to make Cascading Style Sheets to make the design easier.
Today we met with Margrit and further defined our goals. Christen and I were feeling very uncomfortable because we have fairly infrequent contact with Margrit and no firmly established project or goals. The meeting today helped clarify what we will be doing with our time here, so we feel more confident. Nahur came by today and spent a couple of more hours trying to convince OpenCV to work, but he had to leave for another meeting before he succeeded. The library needs several patches to work, and then it has to be recompiled with the new code, which takes awhile, and it still isn't guaranteed to work, as we've demonstrated.
Today we had the weekly Sensorium meeting. It was more interesting this time, because I had more of an idea what they're talking about and the meeting was more on-topic than the last one. They further discussed what they want us to do when we create the timing table. Then everyone started going off-topic, which was aggravating because I desperately had to pee and they wouldn't stop talking even though they knew the stuff they were discussing wouldn't be applied for months to come. The rest of the day I worked on my webpage.
Stephen is going to a Human-Computer Interaction conference in Crete next week to present his Finger Counter, so a large group of us watched him give a practice presentation and gave him suggestions and asked him tough questions. He's a very good presenter, and his program is pretty cool. The rest of the day I spent further refining my webpage. Nahur sent us instructions to try to get the OpenCV library working, but it still wouldn't cooperate, so he came by and spent a couple of hours fixing it. Now, after many hours and three visits from Nahur, I finally have OpenCV working in my account. It was such a pain to install that I just set my permissions so that Christen could access the code in my account instead of having to install it all over again in her account. Hopefully it will work on both of our machines (which have different configurations) at the same time, but you never know what unseen problems will crop up.
I worked enough on my webpage at night that I don't have to make up the time I missed today for Pops' funeral. I had a parking ticket for parking overnight when I got to my car. There is only a large residential area full of one-way streets surrounding my apartment, and they apparently don't like me parking on the street there despite the fact that I picked a place where no signs were posted, but where else can I put my car?