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Web Host Access ToolSince the Spring 2002 semester I have been involved in the WHAT project, though the website has not been updated since before I joined the project. The WHAT project is an effort to improve web searching through the creation of a personalized context for each user, which is stored locally on the user's machine to ensure privacy. Along with Aaron Archer Waterman, I am applying Machine Learning techniques, specifically Support Vector Machines, to the automatic discovery of context, as well as contributing to the overall design of the system. Our mentor is Dr. Ursula Wolz. Selected Publications, Papers, and Presentations
Question Answering System Through Intelligent Information RetrievalI have been working on the QASTIIR project since the Spring 2003 semester. The QASTIIR project is a Question Answering System which will be competing in the 2003 Text Retrieval Conference. Aaron Archer Waterman and I are designing the Reference Resolution module, as well as contributing to the overall design of the system. Our mentor is Dr. Miroslav Martinovic. Selected Publications, Papers, and Presentations
Parallel Genetic Algorithms: An Exploration of Weather Prediction through Clustered ComputingFall 2002 through Spring 2003 I was funded by the CRA-W Collaborative Research Experience for Women project. I worked with Emily Gibson and Dr. Deborah Knox on a small Beowulf-style cluster, applying Parallel Genetic Algorithms to the problem of temperature prediction. Selected Publications, Papers, and Presentations