[Picture of me]

Emily Yu

Williams College Class of 2011
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[Williams Eph]

This summer, the team that I joined was working on software called Camera Mouse. Mostly, I will be working on user studies, conducting tests with disabled children and adults to try out new software with Camera Mouse as well as to find ways to make the current Camera Mouse better.

Here's a test I designed. It tests the user's ability to traverse certain directions. The arrows show the progression of my face appearing on each button. The user navigates to each button with my face on it and clicks on it, triggering the next button. At the end, the program outputs the total time. Overall, this program tests the user's ability to move horizontally and vertically in large and small amounts, as well as diagonally in varying degrees.

[Start Screen] [Progression]

First picture: The starting screen of the the program.
Second picture: The progression of my face/the mouse path.
Third Picture: The Time


Weekly Journals
  • Week One
  • Week Two
  • Week Three
  • Week Four
  • Week Five
  • Week Six
  • Week Seven
  • Week Eight
  • Week Nine
  • Week Ten

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    A Final Report of my Summer Project
  • pdf format