Who am I?
Before I start about me, I should mention that Who am I? is also a Jackie Chan Movie with quite an awsome fight scene at the end. Plus a "hearwrenching" scene in the middle where Jackie jumps up on some post and yells "WHO AM I??????". 'Twas one of our catch phrases this summer. Just so you know....

I was raised just outside of Baltimore, Maryland. I lived with my parents, my sister, and two cats, until I moved out to Indiana to go to School. My parents own a gymnastics school, so my sister and I have been involved in the gym culture our whole lives. I competed breifly in elementary school, but soon stopped. I went to Western School of Technology and Environmental Science for thier Computer Information technology magent program for grads 9 through 12. I played lacrosse, was a member of the It's Academic! team, the band, the yearbook committee. I also managed the women's soccer team and was student webmaster my senior year. During my high school years, I also began teaching gymnastics at my parent's gym school.

In the fall, I will be a senior at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology in Terre Haute, Indiana. Rose is a small engineering and science school in central Indiana. I am a Computer Science/ Mathematics Double major. My senior thesis is on Software Plagerism Detection under the direction of Dr. Claude Anderson of the Computer Science and Software Engineering Department. When I am not studying or doing homework, I work in the Math Department and teach gymnastics at Wabash Valley Tumbling and Gymnastics. I also play volleyball both in Rose's volleyball club, and for multiple Intramural teams. I am a member of the pep band, and an active in Alpha Phi Omega, a service fraternity.

This was the first summer I have spent off of Rose's campus. I was excited. I'm glad that I had such a great experience, and now I get to go back and visit all of my summer people back at Rose on my way home! I'm excited about that too. Watch out Terre Haute, here I come!!!

Who am I? Cast of Characters Plot
The Journey The Destination Sanity Breaks
************ The Beginning ************