Weekly Journal

DREU 2014 @ Arizona State University

Week 9

This picture was taken from CrowdAlbum, which aggregates Instagram and Twitter pictures and collects them by event—pretty cool concept and well-executed if you ask me. I usually don't take pictures at concerts and it's nice to have a way to remember it by. Cloud Nothings, as well as their opening acts, Playboy Manbaby and The Wytches, were amazing last Saturday. My friend, Mia, and I enjoyed getting thrown around in the mosh pit.

I can't believe there's only one week left. The project isn't exactly where I thought it would be as we spent significant time researching different avenues before beginning development, designing the ontology, etc. but now that we've started the research paper I'm starting to realize just how much work we really did this summer.

This week was dedicated to designing the UI for our web component, MOOCLink. Rather than re-inventing the wheel, we've chosen to repurpose a business template for Bootstrap (the HTML/CSS/JS framework used for this blog) called SEATTLE by Little Neko. The template incorporates a lot of current web trends including parallax scrolling, flexsliders, and flat design, which give the site a very modern look and feel. You can take a look at a live preview of this template here.

I've rearranged and reused components from different parts of their template preview to create our home page, course details page, search results, and course comparison tables as well as implementing JS to auto-hide the nav bar, which will save some screen real estate. Next week I hope to begin developing the JavaServer Pages and servlets components, which will assign data to the webpage dynamically after retrieving properties via SPARQL query.
