Today was the first day of a new two day advanced workshop. Only two people showed up for it. One was a Math and CS teacher and the other was a science teacher. I showed them the worlds I have been working on. Professor Rodger also went through some tutorials
Wednesday, July 7thToday was the second day of the workshop. When I wasn't helping or presenting I worked on another math world that I've started. It is an idea that I got from the Book "Math Doesn't Suck", a targeted at junior high girls that struggle with math. It tries to use example problems that girls can relate to. The one I am doing uses bags of pearls to explain variables and a scale to solve an algebra problem.
Thursday, June 24thToday there was a social networking workshop that Professor Rodger, Liz, Jenna and I went to. Many attending people presented some ideas they have been working on. Here are some of the topics discussed:
1)Analyzing data from twitter
2)Infectious diseases
3)Object oriented introduction using Facebook (data structures to make a friend tree)
4)Representing probability of poker hands to teach programming
5)Analyzing the changes of website (as opposed to seeing what's happening right now)
6)Node Excel - graphical displays of networks such as twitter, senators