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The Project

The project, Dance.Draw, couples dance and technology. Dance pieces are choreographed and dancers ware different input devices to control visualizations that are displayed in the background. Along with creating these dances, they develop tools for creative people and studying audience engagement in the performing arts. The tools are: The Choreographer’s Notebook, my project for the summer, and The Dance Draw Designer, which was worked on by the other intern in the lab, Charlotte Smail.

The Choreographer’s Notebook

The Choreographer’s Notebook is an online application where choreographers can upload rehearsal video and add critiques to the video. Before the next rehearsal the performers can view the choreographer’s critiques of the previous rehearsal and have things to work on and think about on their own time. Studio time is expensive and the idea behind the Notebook is that choreographers can save time and money doing these important critiques outside of the studio and spend more time in the studio dancing. My roles this summer will be to help the graduate student who is developing this software improve its structure and modularization so future developers will be able to understand it easily. I will also be assisting adding, developing and testing new features.

You can download my final paper here:

The Creative Development Process and The Choreographer’s Notebook