the milly watt project

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Milly Watt Description

The Milly Watt Project undertaken by a group of faculty at Duke University is all about the growing field of mobile computing (think laptops, PDA's, smart cameras, etc.). Since these devices are all mobile, they sometimes have to run on battery power. For anybody who's had to carry around extra laptop batteries, they know that sometimes they are almost as heavy as the laptop itself. Therefore, the goal in designing computer systems like these is to reduce power consumption and therefore extend battery life. However, the goal of reduced power consumption is applicable to all areas of computing.

Although the goal of power reduction in computing can be attacked from lots of angles (hardware, improving batteries, engineering discoveries) the goal of the Milly Watt Project is to manage energy as a system resource. This goal is currently being studied in different ways. Since the operating system traditionally manages important system resources, ECOSystem was developed. Other areas of research include more architecturally-based management of power modes in memory and power aware page allocation.

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ECOSystem Description

ECOSystem, which stands for Energy-Centric Operating System, is a modified Linux operating system which manages energy as a first class resource. As it was developed, the original goal of ECOSystem was to meet a user-specified battery lifetime for the laptop computer it was installed on. For example, let's hypothesize that a user has a 2 hour plane ride and wants to use the laptop to finish a presentation. The user also wants to listen to mp3 music in the background. Therefore, the user tells ECOSystem that he/she wants the battery to last 2 hours and that the presentation application is more important than the music player.

Once ECOSystem knows how long the battery must last, it can compute how much energy can be drained from the battery per epoch. Each epoch (a very short time period) this current is doled out proportionally to the active processes. The unit of this allocation is currentcy, the right to use a certain amount of current (there is a limit on how long this currentcy can be held). As the process executes, it is charged for the amount of energy it is using. If the process runs out of currentcy, it must stop executing until it receives more currentcy in the next epoch.

Right now, the only devices managed by ECOSystem are the CPU, the hard disk, and the wireless card. All other energy required by the operating system is considered "base cost". As ECOSystem develops, other devices, like the display, will also be managed by the operating system.

My work on ECOSystem this summer deals with more efficient power management of the hard disk drive. Now that ECOSystem is able to meet reasonable specified battery lifetimes, we want to incorporate strategies for energy efficiency. We are working to extend the ECOSystem API specification to allow cooperative communication between ECOSystem (which right now runs standard applications) and modified, energy-aware applications. This wil allow applications to pass information to the operating system about which file operations are most important, and how much currentcy the process is willing to "spend" to perform the disk access. Hopefully, using this application-specific information, we can more efficiently batch read and write requests to the disk, allowing the disk to spend more time in idle mode and saving on the high cost of spinning up and spinning down by having fewer active disk sessions.

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Papers I Read
  • ECOSystem: Managing Energy as a First Class Operating System Resource.
    H. Zeng, X. Fan, C. Ellis, A. Lebeck, and A. Vahdat,
  • Currentcy: Unifying Policies for Resource Management.
    Heng Zeng, Carla Ellis, Alvin Lebeck, and Amin Vahdat
  • Energy-aware Adaptation for Mobile Applications.
    Jason Flinn and M. Satyanarayanan in Proceedings of the 17th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, December 1999.
  • Saving Energy by Coordinating Hard Disk Accesses.
    Bjorn Beutel, Semester Thesis SA-I4-2002-06, April 17, 2002.
  • Energy is Just Another Resource: Energy Accounting and Energy Pricing in the Nemesis OS.
    Rolf Neugebauer and Derek McAuley in Proceedings of the 8th IEEE Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems. Germany, May 2001.

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  • Understanding the Linux Kernel. Daniel P. Bovet & Marco Cesati. O'Reilly & Associates, 2001.
  • Practical C Programming. Steve Oualline. O'Reilly & Associates, 1991.
  • C/C++ Programmer's Reference. Herbert Schildt. McGraw-Hill, 1997.

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