CJ's home at Brooklyn College

Carlos Jaramillo's
Distributed Research Experience as Undergraduate (Summer 2009)


The Lab
About Me
My Mentor
RoboCup 2009
Final Report
The Project


Player Plugin-Drivers for:

Surveyor Robot SRV-1 (with ARM-7 processor)


Download Tarball Package here
SRV1 robot (with ARM-7 Processor)
IPRE Scribbler
Documentation (Not Available)
Scribbler robot (by IPRE)

SRVjoy: a Player GUI console to control the Surveyor Robot
(it can also control similar robots and simulated robots)

This GUI console is cross-platform since it's being written with the Nokia's open-source QT Library.

It can also control any other robot that has player drivers and similar interfaces. For now, it only supports the position2d and camera interfaces.

The camera viewing window needs to evolve because now it assumes the image resolution are those for only available for the SRV1 (ARM-7).

The SRVjoy console allows for a human operator to connect to a robot through Player's default port number "6665" being served on the "localhost". Thus, the operator can drive the robot around (controlling both linear and angular speeds) and take snapshot images. A video feed - native to the console - has not been implemented, yet playercam can be use externally at the same time SRVjoy is running.

The navigation can be done through the console buttons in the GUI, or by using some assigned keys in the keyboard (The numpad is the preferred choice for now).

Download Tarball Package here

The SRVjoy console operates as following:

  • All control buttons have icons that show their moving directions. By pressing a direction button, the robot moves in that direction for as long as the button remains pressed.
  • Speed (linear and angular) can be controlled with the sliders.
  • The camera button will take a snapshot of the current camera view and save it camera####.jpg in the root folder of the executing program.
    NOTE: There is some delay for snapshots (the robot has to focus first, and then shoot) and sometimes pictures appear shifted in order :(
  • Numkeys also resemble the layout of the console buttons, so they can be use to control the robot in a similar manner.
  • Project Final Report

    The Final Report of my DREU Project is provided here in pdf format.