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This is a description of my project:

Tracking System for a Street-Crossing Robot:


The development of robots in modern times has been limited to safe and supervised areas. As technology has advanced, new goals have been set for robot behavior.

 Previous investigations and models on Street-crossing Robots have demonstrated that robots need to be able to track multiple vehicles before they decide to cross a street. This behavior has been accomplished through the preparation of an algorithm after calculating and analyzing diverse obstacles that could put the robot in danger.

 In this initial work we focused in prove this algorithm in one-way or two way streets with no more that one line in either direction, for it is more dangerous and complicated for the robot to attempt to cross a street with multilane.

 This investigation is based on the development of an algorithm capable of allowing the robot to track from a safe place when attempting street crossing, this being based on the calculation of distance, speed, and motion of all or every vehicle that have been approaching or driving away from the robot. This calculation assumes that the robot is built with systems and pieces chosen and proven to contribute to an efficient algorithm to guarantee its best and safest possible behavior.