Weekly Report


Week 3 June 11 - June 15

We have successfully added a save button to our vizmo visualization tool. The button will save th e graph but our main dilemma is that the graph does not allow us to make changes like delete and add a vertex or edge. We made a Property Map class which we want to allow us to display properties of eac h individual edge and vertex. At the moment we have the skeleton graph structure saved as a whole col lection of vertices and edges. We think it may be a problem that each vertex and edge is not an objec t with its own characteristics, this may mean that we have to rewrite the Save function.


Since I have been here three weeks without my mother I have decided that I should practice cooking. Ida is really nice or just has terribly damaged taste bubs because she always says that she enjoys my food. The only thing I can say about my cooking is that my moms is better. But its not as bad as it seems, next to nothing ever burns. I would even say that I have confidence saying that so far nothing has burned.

Recipe of the Week !

Cabbage Bacon, Smoked Sausage, Cabbage

First cook the bacon once it's done I take out the bacon because I don't like soggy bacon. Then I cut the sausage up into thin circles and fry them in the bacon grease. Next wash the cabbage and pu t it into the pot and cook it covered in medium heat.