Courtney Pharr

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Welcome to my website for the 2014 Distributed Research Experience for Undergraduates (DREU) summer internship! My name is Courtney Pharr. I am currently a sophomore at Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts majoring in computer science. I am extremely interested in human centered computing research that helps people with disabilities live easier and better lives.

Apart from computer science, some of my outside interests include volleyball (I am on the varsity team at Clark University), tennis, swimming, and water polo. In truth, I really love playing and/or watching any sport. I enjoy being outdoors, especially in my hometown of Seattle, Washington. I absolutely love traveling and I have been to England, Ireland, the Dominican Republic, and Guatemala. When I am not studying or playing volleyball, I really enjoy relaxing and spending time with my family and friends. I am so excited to have the opportunity to participate in research with Dr. Helena Mentis at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (even if it means missing the gorgeous Seattle summers!).

Here is a link to my resume. Please feel free to contact me!