The MAGIC 2010 Robotics Competition asks teams to develop robots to explore indoor and outdoor environments, identify and track humans, and detect objects of interest. Team Michigan representing University of Michigan, Ann Arbor was placed first in this competition. The overall goal for the lab is to make the next generation of these MagicBots by the end of summer 2014.
I'm an electrical engineer with a background in computer science and the project assigned to me encompassed all my research interests: human robot interaction, robotics and micro-controllers. The MagicBots are capable of numerous tasks but they are inefficient in identifying stairs and cliffs. My project involves the design and implementation of an obstacle detection system that would prevent the robot from falling down stairs and avoid obstacles that come up directly in its path. We are using an infra red proximity sensor and we need to identify the various failure modes for the robot with the sensor before we implemented it. The STOP Obstacle sensor is a 'safety net' for the robot in case of any major failures. This has been integrated into the Magic2Bot as a safety feature.
The link to the FINAL REPORT File can be found here:
Click here to download the PDF!