Reporting in From Wyoming

By now I have been at the University of Wyoming for two weeks and I have already gotten much work done. My first assignment was helping my colleagues develop our virtual reality demo for visitors of the lab. The project was successful and it was quite enjoyable to be able to see our guests learn and appreciate the work that went into it. The demo made use of my skills using Blender for creating models.

Since arriving I have been learning Visual C++ through using it; I had only worked with Linux in regards to programming c and c++. Visual C++, although having several nuances, is not too different and I have been using it to learn and develop Ogre3D applications. Understanding the graphics engine has been useful as I am now able to import our own models into 3D environments to aid in our research. I have also used the FMOD sound library to include an audio engine to work alongside Ogre3D in order to create a more robust virtual environment complete with graphical and acoustic feedback.

There is still quite a bit to do before I can begin conducting research. I have to be able to connect the Emotiv Epoc headset that measures brainwaves and produces EEG signals to OpenViBE. OpenViBE will allow me to receive and process the brainwave signals. These signals must then be sent to our virtual environment to provide input for movement within the environment.