Week 9
For my new project I get to get away from hard core coding and add a little creativity. My job is to train the robot to recognize an array of colors and when it sees one of the colors, return its distance. My first step in this project was my favorite. I wrapped four poster tubes in four distinct colors of construction paper (red, blue, green, and yellow). Spray paint would have been too messy. Then I added stripes to each tube. The purpose of this is for the robot to return the number of stripes it sees. Finally for the end of this creative step, I added a neon pink strip at the base of the tube so the robot can easily recognize the base of the tube. With a camera, I took pictures of all the tubes. Then, with the colorTrainer program, i went through all the pictures and highlighted the color I wanted the robot to recognize. I went though all the pictures doing that one color at a time.