Final Report

My research experience in the SoundPad Lab began with understanding new technologies such as the Raspberry Pi, the Beacon (indoor GPS), and Windows’ Subsystem for Linux (WSL). After familiarizing myself with Raspberry Pi and WSL, and running code on each one, the journey of understanding 3d audio began! There were meetings with Professor McMullen, where she explained the technical details and concepts behind 3D audio. Reading research papers, various online sources and viewing videos helped clarify the concepts as well. Additionally, previous teams had generated 3D audio in the past in MATLAB so I was able to extrapolate from previous code sources. This helped re-create the 3D audio on python. The struggle came in rendering the 3D audio from the sound card. After some help from my graduate teammates, the 3D audio was successfully created on the computer. Unfortunately, there needs to be improvements in the code so that it can run smoothly on the Raspberry Pi- this is where future research will continue.

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