Week 6

On Monday I had the usual project and FIKA meetings and then I had my meeting with Dr. Kleinsmith in which we further filtered out pairs for which the data we collected had too many artifacts (abnormal spikes in EDA due to bad contact with device measuring EDA). We then discussed how we want to smooth the few artifacts that appeared in otherwise usable data. I ended up writing a Matlab program that utilized the built-in find_peaks function in order to locate artifacts over a certain height and slope threshold. Then I used Ledalab in order to correct the identified artifacts.

Also, on Tuesday I found out that my poster had been accepted to the Grace Hopper Conference! I am also giving the paper presentation on the 23rd during our biweekly lab meeting. Below is the paper I am presenting: Järvelä, S., Kivikangas, J. M., Kätsyri, J., & Ravaja, N. (2014). Physiological linkage of dyadic gaming experience. Simulation & Gaming, 45(1), 24-40.

Another thing I did is download, install and familiarize myself with Weka which we'll use for applying some machine learning for classifying the data. https://www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/ml/weka/downloading.html.

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