Week 5

Now that I have a few versions of my program that process the data slightly differently, I wrote up some documentation for the programs in a README. It includes the description of each program, input, output, file list set up, and how to run the programs. I also included step-by-step instructions on how to run the programs as Dr. Kleinsmith requested since she usually has a few psych students in the lab. For the paramedic data, I had to locate the start and end of each simulation in the EDA data so that analysis is carried out only on the simulation. I manually created a new folder with the raw data that is only the simulation section of it (none of the pre- and post-sim data) for each session. This is what I worked on from Monday to Thursday.

Dr. Kleinsmith and I met on Thursday, 7/5 in order to discuss the next step which would be to smooth the data. I smoothed the raw data using a Matlab application called Ledalab. Then I had to manually convert all the .txt smoothed data files into the proper csv format (with first cell containing the starting time in seconds from epoch) before I could run my program on them. I now have both folders (the raw smoothed data in txt files and also in csv files), along with the excel of all the graphs of the normalized smoothed data.

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