Weekly Journal

DREU 2014 @ Arizona State University

Week 7

Happy Birthday, America! This was my first 4th of July away from my family so I was a little homesick in the morning, but Xin and I managed to have a great time at Tempe Town Lake. The fireworks display was great (and almost an hour long)!

I was pretty set on Google App Engine after doing a little research on the different frameworks and jumped right into the learning process. Unfortunately, halfway into the week, I learned that this wouldn't work for our project.

I was aware that GAE only supported NoSQL as their database and assumed this wouldn't affect the project if we maintained Fuseki on a separate server and queried it on our application server. However I was not aware that GAE only supported URL Fetch to access web resources. Seeing as ARQL (Jena's SPARQL API) implements their HTTP requests differently, I learned the hard way that Google App Engine wouldn't be the right framework.

So I'm back to the drawing board and exploring Java EE as our next solution. Thankfully the premise of servlets and JSP's that I'd been learning to use GAE's Java API is still the basis of Java EE so I haven't been learning in vain!

P.S. Congratulations Joey Chestnut for continuing to dominate the competetive eating world.
