PHILLY:New In The City

8/07/2012: Mean People Suck

                After a fun weekend with my roommate and her friends, my roommate is left and I am sad. I will miss her and we had a lot of fun together. I wish I wasn't so far away from her. We went out to eat for breakfast together and then I helped her move all of her stuff out, which was most of our apartment. We took a picture outside our door which had a sticker saying "MEAN PEOPLE SUCK." For that thief who took our stuff. They did find the thief but our stuff was already pawned off someone, never to be found again. Also I got a new laptop today. It didn't come early enough for me to make my roommate a mix CD but I'll do that now that I am all alone.

                This weekend I met a bunch of her friends which was fun but also when am I ever going to see them again. Facebook I guess. One of the most fun nights of the summer. We came back really tired and the next day was just us being zombies.  The price for fun.