Eve Gottwald – Summer 2018

Week Nine 7/30-8/3


This week I was able to pick up my poster, and on Tuesday we presented with all of the other REU students at the Symposium. It was amazing to see all the research that people have been doing this summer, and I really loved being able to see work from people in other fields such as biology, food science, and archeology (just to name a few!). I also presented my final PowerPoint for the SRCA program this week, and was so excited to hear the final results of everyone’s project.

Since most people are leaving this week, I am spending my time focusing on presentations, moving out of the dorms and into an Air BnB, and saying goodbye to some of the amazing people I’ve met in North Carolina this summer. Hopefully I will also be able to finish up some of the heat map functionality, and outline my paper. Next week will be spent meeting with Dr. Martens, and finishing up my final paper!

