Surina Puri
Georgia Institute of Technology
Hi! I am Surina Puri. I am a fourth year computer science major at Georgia Tech. I will be graduating in May 2018. My research interests include artificial intelligence, machine learning and their applications in various fields, especially healthcare. During summer 2017, I am participating in CSE REU at Washinton University in St. Louis through CRA-W's DREU program.
Dr. Alvitta Ottley
Washington Univeristy in St. Louis
Dr. Ottley's REU Group
My mentor is Dr. Alvitta Ottley. She is an assistant professor at Washington University in St. Louis. Dr. Ottley's current research interests include information visualization, human-computer interaction and visual analytics. Previously funded by NSF and U.S. Army, her research pursues areas such as learning and modeling user behavior, individual differences, and personalized health risk communication. Her work has been published in leading conferences and journals such as CHI, InfoVis, VAST and TVCG.
A Data Modeling Approach to Predict Users' Interests With Visualization Systems
Fig: Visual Interface used in our user study
Weekly entries about my work, learnings, findings, results and REU experience.
05/30/2017 Week 01: CSE REU BootCampI would love to hear from you
Atlanta, Georgia, USA