Dr. Juan E. Gilbert is the Andrew Banks Family Preeminence Endowed Professor and Chair of the Computer & Information Science & Engineering Department at the University of Florida where he leads the Human-Experience Research Lab. To visit his website follow this link: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/~juan/
The Brainwords team is composed of students from the University of Florida and the Georgia Insitute of Technology. Together these students worked together to develop a system that allows the user to unlock a device using a BCI device.
Ivens Applyrs
B.S. Computer Engineering
University of Florida
Bhaveek Desai
M.S. Computer and Information Sciece & Engineering
University of Florida
Julian Mendoza
B.S. Computer Engineering
University of Florida
Ernest Williams
B.S. Computer Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
The Brain Drone Race team is composed of students from the University of Florida and the Georgia Insitute of Technology. Together these students worked together to improve upon previous methods use in the World's First Brain Drone Race, and document these steps for future use.
Gabriela Buraglia
B.S. Industrial Engineering
University of Florida
Bhaveek Desai
M.S. Computer and Information Sciece & Engineering
University of Florida
Kerollin Francois
B.S. Computer Engineering
University of Florida
Luigi Ricard
B.S. Computer Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
Ernest Williams
B.S. Computer Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology