Weekly Log

Luise - DREU Research Intern

Week 6

This week I continued training a bunch of different datasets and subsets of various sizes. I fixed the bug I mentioned last week, but as I described in my log from week 4, my work process is rarely just one-directional. This week I found a new bug in my datasets merging, so I had to take a few steps back and start over some of the training. I am not sure how much the bug affected my previous results, but now that I have found and fixed it, I will hopefully soon be able to tell.
Wednesday was my birthday, so I bought some of the traditional New York black and white cookies from Nussbaum and Wu (a bagel shop next to campus) to share with my co-workers in the lab. Black and white cookies are apparently a traditional New Yorker treat, and Nussbaum and Wu should have some of the best in the city, so I thought that would be suiting. After work I met up with some friends and had dinner at Ellington in the Park which is a relaxed eatery in Riverside Park with an amazing view of Hudson River and the sunset. Thursday after work I left for Minnesota where one of my apartmentmates from the Columbia Housing lives. She, I, a third apartment mate and some other Minnesota friends all celebrated 4th of July and had a lot of fun. Since I am from Denmark, this was actually my first American Independence Day, and I got the full experience with stars, stripes, ribs, BBQ, baked potatoes, s’mores, speed boat tubing on the Minnesotan lakes, beach trips and much more. I am still always overwhelmed by how many hospitable and caring Americans I have met since I came to the country!