This week I finished my Research paper and groomed the flow the paper. I added a references section, and put the paper in proper ACM format.
This week I wrote my Implementation, Future Work, and conclusion sections for my final paper. The primary focus here was getting as much detail of the project on paper in order to sharpen later.
During this week my focus was on creating my Powerpoint for my final presentation of my summer research. This week, I prepared privately with Dr. Seals, in which she gave presentation tips. She instructed me to do a run through the day before the presentation to give individual tips on things that I need to work on when presenting. These tips were helpful, allowing me to have a smooth final presentation completing the majority of my work for the summer.
During this week, I debugged the site of all its errors and added a new set of case studies expanded our tools library of case studes for our academic professors. Some of the revisions were editing and formatting the conditions of the responsive design; or tweaking the responsive breakpoints in order to respond to the user's computer or mobile device. One major addition was the Laura Conway case. This was a longer case, however, it talked about the precautions a teacher must have when giving students advice because students may not receive the advice in the manner it was intended.
This week I continued to work on updating the Spectrum Online Tool and using pictures to demo the Spectrum tool in my PowerPoint Presentation. The powerpoint presentation was a quick lighting-talk about my research in a short amount of time. The powerpoint covered the name and what the tool does, the prelimanary design and flowchart, and our planned implementation for the new site. In Charlston, I along with others presented our work. After we each presented we had activities to further talk more in-depth about our research and time for questions as well.
This week I have began writing my research paper for the Spectrum project. This week I have began writing my introduction mainly and I have also started my background and introduction. Also, I updated my scratch program and finished all of the final testing before it is used on the BJC project. Also, this week Dr. Seals lectured on designs. She talked about how some designs have everything they may need but still are not the most efficient design.
This week I began creating a conceptual model and Wireframe for the Spectrum project. I was able to create a simple design to allow users to easily access the case studies and scenarios for the teachers. Also, this week all of the 2015 DREU students had a Skype meeting with Dr. Anderson discssing how research works and what is expected of us as students this summer.
This week I became certified using the web based Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) training site. The training was for human subject research, which taught me the correct way to conduct ethical research. Also, I attended daily lectures with Dr. Seals and others students in the lab on mobile web design.
This week I began creating my personal e-Portfolio, which is this site. This site is where my latest work will be presented. Also, I was assigned to the Spectrum project. Spectrum is an online educational tool for classroom teachers. The tool uses cases studies and scenarios to help teachers with their classroom management skills.
This week I have been working with a development tool called Scratch. MIT has created a programming language that allows for easy online access and devevelopment. With this tool, I have created a simple game to aid middle schools students learning. Bounce-Gebra covers a few topics of Algebra in attempt to help students further understand the fundamental concepts of Algebra.