DREU - Distributed Research Experience for Undergraduates
Distributed Research Experiences for Undergraduates (DREU) was known as the Distributed Mentor Project (DMP) prior to 2009. The objective of the DREU is to increase the number of women and underrepresented groups entering graduate studies in the fields of computer science and engineering. This highly selective program matches promising undergraduate women and underrepresented groups with a faculty mentor for a summer research experience at the faculty member’s home institution. Students are directly involved in a research project and interact with graduate students and professors on a daily basis. This experience is invaluable for students who are considering graduate school, providing them with a close-up view of what graduate school is really like and also increasing their competitiveness as an applicant for graduate admissions and fellowships.
cited from cra-w.org on 05/03/2015 || see more here
Kevin R. B. Butler is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer and Information Science and Engineering at the University of Florida and is also the co-director of the Southeastern Security for Enterprise and Infrastructure (SENSEI) Center. Butler’s research focuses on security issues related to storage systems, large-scale systems architectures, and networks. He has over 50 publications including Journal, Conference and Workshop.
learn more about Professor Butler here