After meeting with my mentor to discuss my progress, I realized that I needed
to make some changes to the implementation of my code. My interpretation of the amortized time algorithm,
as shown in the paper, was different from what my mentor ultimately wanted. My delete and order functions fit the
implementation, although they too would later be altered. My insert function needed to be completely rewritten. I lost
this week to completely redoing everything I'd worked on the previous week, as the new implementation was much more complicated
than my original implementation. The new implementation created a linked list of items with number tags. These number tags could
be chosen at random; however, in my implementation, I preset a few tags in order to test out the insert function. If the number tags were
too close together, the algorithm required that they be renumbered based on a preset distance. I began implementing this in C and once
I got the serialized code working properly, I moved on to Cilk.
This week, I organized a lab dinner for Friday night, in the hopes of getting to know everyone. We don't have any grad students working with
us regularly. We're all undergraduates and all from very different backgrounds. The only other senior is Ayushi, and most everyone is a junior, with the exception of Mike, who is a sophomore
Physics major. After work on Friday, we walked together to the Loop and went to El Maguey. It's a fun Mexican restaurant right at the center of the Loop.
After dinner, we went across the street to see Toy Story 3 at the Tivoli.